I've been in Smithers for one week and I feel quite comfortable. There's so much space here and little to distract me from what I need to do right now which is focus on my radio career. Besides working on my career I also plan on renewing my quest for some sort of golf ability. All I want to do is learn how to hit the ball 150 yards and on the fairway. That's not much to ask is it? The station I'm working for has a pass for a course here so why not. I'm also trying to find some soccer to play. Alot of people play here and I have a number for a guy who runs it so why not. I will also hike and camp and hopefully renew a passion for music. It will be good.
Now that I'm comfortable with the Peaks format and the gear at the station I'm hoping that my on air pressence and show will develop making me the king of all media in the Bulkley Valley, ;)
I go back to Vancouver on Wednesday to get my diploma from BCIT and then grab a U-Haul and move the rest of my stuff up here to Smithers. It will take a couple days to get back. It's a twelve hour (or more) drive. Jen's coming with me to experience Smithers for a month and a half before she goes to Sweden for 10 months to get her masters degree.
The new Iron & Wine album is set for release and I heard the new single today. You should be able to hear it as you read this. I'm really excited about it. His last album, 2004's Endless Numbered Days, was the soundtrack for my summer when it came out so I'm hoping that the rest of the new album is as good as the new single. I saw Sam Beam (I & W) play at Sasquatch last year and it was sort of, whatever but I love his recordings.
I watched the US Grand Prix today. It was good race and Tony Hamiliton won his second race in a row. Good one Tony.

I really need my bike.