Sunday, April 29, 2007

The top 5 of the week in sports that I saw.

1) Wayne Rooney scores two including a last minute game winner against Milan AC in Champions League. Man U comes from
behind for a to win the first game of the aggregate.

2) Jeff Cowan getting the double OT game winner against the Anaheim Ducks in game two. I thought Linden was done as a
clutch player but he makes the game winner happen by slamming Duck, Rob Niedermayer against the boards getting the
puck and feeding Jeff Cowan with a sweet between the legs pass. Being a veteran player Linden knows that in
the playoffsyou must bring it up another level, and he does. Impressive.

3) The Bufflo Sabres. Incredible team speed and depth. Everygame I see the Sabres play I discover a talented player that I was
unaware of. Last game, Tomas Vanek.

4) The Blue Jays. Sweeping the Yankees at Yankee Stadium including a AJ Burnett four hit, seven hit performance. Seeing
Geddy Lee in the box seats behind home plate for the whole game versus the Rangers. Aaron Hill's having a great start and
we have catcher Greg Zaun on the TEAM 1260 this week. He's got a broken thumb.

5) TWIB (This Week In Baseball) The syndicated baseball show me and my brothers used to watch along time a go when Harry
Carry hosted it, is still on the air (I didn't know!) and still entertaing. It's in it's Thirtieth Season!

Here's something they don't have in Vancouver. A bin where you can leave your skates to have them sharpened. There are other obvious differences between Edmonton and Vancouver, like no ocean or mountains to gaze at. The number of pickups here is insane. One automobile manufacturing rep (Honda?) said that a company can't expect to seriously get a cut of the pickup business unless they open up a pickup only outlet. I'm still trying to find Edmontons best coffee, there's no way it can be Starbucks.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Day 2 at the TEAM was better than day one and day one was good. I sort of have the same hours as I've had for the last two years at BCIT. The big difference is that I drive myself instead of taking the peoples wheels in Vancouver. I've been staying with my parents, which is great. My dad lets me borrow his truck to drive the 20+ minutes to the CFRN building located on the West side of Edmonton. It's a pleasant drive as the sun is just rising to my left as I drive North on highway 60. The drive allows me to listen to Bryn & Jake (the show I'm working on) on the TEAM 1260 before I arrive. I actually switch between listening to 1260 & another good station here, SONIC 102.9.

I've been watching alot of sports to keep up with everyone at the TEAM. This is not a problem as I love sports. There is added pleasure as my folks have a HD feed as a part of their cable package. Anyone who has seen sports on a high def feed knows how it can make an average game pleasureable.

My top 5 from the weekend of sports that I saw;

1) New Jersey's E.G.G. line- Incredible combination of speed & finesse, deadly.
2) Trevor Linden getting the game winner in game 7-I'm not a 'nucks fan but
Trev seems like a nice guy, this years Lanny? I doubt it, but...
3) Yankees @ Fenway with Dice K starting for the Sox
4) The Flames unexplainbly losing their minds at the end of game 5 vs. Detroit
5) Raptors vs Nets game 1-It was in high def!!!

I saw Interpol last night at the Edmonton Events Center. They were great. I've been waiting to see them for a while as I've only become a fan in the last year or so. It may sound cliche but really connect with their music on deep level and the new songs they played were of the same great quality that I would expect from Interpol. Can't wait for the new record.

Pictures from my morning drive, what I see as I enter the station and Brad aka Squeaky Brad, from the TEAM, he likes to introduce me to people at the station by telling them TOOL opened up for my band and then blow my mind with his Maestro mastery.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Hello and welcome to Devon, Alberta. This is where I'll be living for the next 4 weeks. I'm doing an internship at the TEAM 1260 as a continuation of the radio program I was doing at BCIT. It should be fun I'll be helping the producer on the morning show so I'll be getting up early all the time just like being at school. Unfortunately I have a long commute, Devon is about 20 min. south of Edmonton.

I got to watch alot of hockey yesterday which in some ways is like aq dream for me after a long, busy, school year. I was shocked, sorry embarassed at Calgary's meltdown against Detroit and surprised at how flat Vancouver was, they could have won the series with one win, c'mon! maybe that's a case of low playoff experiance. I have many freinds who are 'nucks fans so good luck to them on Monday.

Here's some photos of Devon. There's still a little snow here and a rink that I'd love to have in my neighborhood.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Iggy Pop is pretty much a god of rock. Every lead singer in every rock band rips him off weather they know it or not. So when I heard that the Stooges were recording a new album, I was very interested. I had read reviews about their new album, "The Weirdness" saying the new record wasn't that good.

I managed to get a copy of the cd and was excited about hearing what they had come up with. The Weirdness is pretty much a big dissapointment. I've never been a big fan of Steve Albini's production so it's unfortunate that he was picked to produce the first Stooges album in many years. As lame as this cd is if they played in my town I would still go see them because Iggy Pop is the original punk rock front man and the original is always the best.

Friday, April 13, 2007

I feel as though I've just had a weight taken off my back. It's probably the bacpack that I've had to carry to BCIT for the last two years. I've just finished my two year radio broadcast degree and I'm excited about starting to work in radio industry. I've met some really great people while I was at BCIT and hope that I can keep in touch with them as they progress. I'm sure that the 2007 radio grads are going to be legendary in the radio industry. We've had great feedback from people in radio and they say we're a great group so...look out.

I see radio as a starting point for me. I'm hoping that learning more about writing and presentation will lead me to other exciting oppurtunites.

Next week I will go to Edmonton to do a 4 week internship at the TEAM 1260. As far as I can tell here isn't much going on in sports locally but Edmonton is a hockey town and the playoffs are on, the Eskies start on June 15 and baseball is going so I'm sure we can talk about something.