Day 2 at the TEAM was better than day one and day one was good. I sort of have the same hours as I've had for the last two years at BCIT. The big difference is that I drive myself instead of taking the peoples wheels in Vancouver. I've been staying with my parents, which is great. My dad lets me borrow his truck to drive the 20+ minutes to the CFRN building located on the West side of Edmonton. It's a pleasant drive as the sun is just rising to my left as I drive North on highway 60. The drive allows me to listen to Bryn & Jake (the show I'm working on) on the TEAM 1260 before I arrive. I actually switch between listening to 1260 & another good station here, SONIC 102.9.
I've been watching alot of sports to keep up with everyone at the TEAM. This is not a problem as I love sports. There is added pleasure as my folks have a HD feed as a part of their cable package. Anyone who has seen sports on a high def feed knows how it can make an average game pleasureable.
My top 5 from the weekend of sports that I saw;
1) New Jersey's E.G.G. line- Incredible combination of speed & finesse, deadly.
2) Trevor Linden getting the game winner in game 7-I'm not a 'nucks fan but
Trev seems like a nice guy, this years Lanny? I doubt it, but...
3) Yankees @ Fenway with Dice K starting for the Sox
4) The Flames unexplainbly losing their minds at the end of game 5 vs. Detroit
5) Raptors vs Nets game 1-It was in high def!!!
I saw Interpol last night at the Edmonton Events Center. They were great. I've been waiting to see them for a while as I've only become a fan in the last year or so. It may sound cliche but really connect with their music on deep level and the new songs they played were of the same great quality that I would expect from Interpol. Can't wait for the new record.

Pictures from my morning drive, what I see as I enter the station and Brad aka Squeaky Brad, from the TEAM, he likes to introduce me to people at the station by telling them TOOL opened up for my band and then blow my mind with his Maestro mastery.

i'm glad the first days have been going well for you...i missed interpol here becasue i'm old and my memory ain't so good...i'll probably never see them-glad you did.
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