Spent the weekend in Lutsen, Minnesota which will probably be the first and last snowboarding for me this season. I can't even explain why I didn't go all this season. I had fun at Lutsen but it would even more fun on a snow day. Woke up early on Saturday and went out to Lake Superior to check out the sunrise and all the crazy ice sculptures Mother Nature made. Some temporarily, freaky & beautiful stuff.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Spent the weekend in Lutsen, Minnesota which will probably be the first and last snowboarding for me this season. I can't even explain why I didn't go all this season. I had fun at Lutsen but it would even more fun on a snow day. Woke up early on Saturday and went out to Lake Superior to check out the sunrise and all the crazy ice sculptures Mother Nature made. Some temporarily, freaky & beautiful stuff.
Monday, March 28, 2011
I was fortunate to be invited to participate in a Food Network Trivia Challenge at Lakehead University last week. I learned more about our local food network. Something that I knew before the event which was talked about alot. When it comes to eating local is the way to go. Support your local farmers market.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Monday, March 14, 2011
I am a casual X-Country skier. My equipment is out dated and I have yet to be yearning to get out for a ski. When I do go, it's usually a suggestion, thrown out among other suggestions of things to do. Last Sunday it seemed like the thing to do with weather starting to resemble Spring and perhaps even suggesting Summer. We took the almost(?) one hour drive to The Sleeping Giant Provincial Park home of the "Sleeping Giant" and some Nordic Trails. It was a great afternoon. Healthy looking wild life, a few other friendly people, lots of sunshine and serene quiet. Excluding the sound of skis and birds.