A few weeks ago my friend & co-worker Joeseph Ottoo officially left the station where I am currently employed to go back to school. I met Joe about 2 years ago at BCIT where we both were enrolled in the Radio Broadcasting program. After graduating we both got hired at The Peak in Smithers, B.C..
Despite being alot older we got along pretty good. Our common bond being our love of sports. The picture above is Joe during his last broadcast of the afternoon sports talk segment on The Peak called, Five In The Box. The best and maybe the only good thing about Joe going back to school is that I now get to host Five In The Box during my morning show.
Joe left a big impression on the community of Smithers and I am not the only one who will miss his presence on and off the mic. I wish Joe the best of luck at Thompson River University the next two years and if you see him, ask how Arsenal did last weekend.
Muc B out.