I completed my radio debut last weekend. It felt pretty good, but I'm definitely not very close to great YET. I should prep a bit more. The music on Evolution 107 9 is actually okay and it's cool to hear all the people I've been at school with all year on the radio. You should check it out if you're in Vancouver. If you aren't in Vancouver you can listen on online @ evolution1079.com. My friend Matt has a bit of a mold problem in his car as you can see. I'm done.
Monday, April 24, 2006
I completed my radio debut last weekend. It felt pretty good, but I'm definitely not very close to great YET. I should prep a bit more. The music on Evolution 107 9 is actually okay and it's cool to hear all the people I've been at school with all year on the radio. You should check it out if you're in Vancouver. If you aren't in Vancouver you can listen on online @ evolution1079.com. My friend Matt has a bit of a mold problem in his car as you can see. I'm done.
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Well it feels good to finally finish my final exams. The exciting news is that I have my Evolution 107 9 on air debut this weekend. I'll be on at 5:30am-8:30am April 22 & 23. How fun will that be? The other exciting thing? NHL playoffs. Game 1 tommorow for my Oilers. Looks like I'll miss game 2 because of my hectic weekend schedule but that's why we all have VCR's right? The Oil are in tough for sure but they will make those old farts on the Red Wings work for anything they can get. Their most dangerous player, Pavel Datsyuk isn't playing game 1, so there is something for the Oil to build on. This is Jens' sisters' dog. His name is Gus. You can tell by his expression that he was cheering for the Canucks this year. Poor guy.
Monday, April 17, 2006

I've been studying for my Business Law final all weekend. It's not that exciting and I'm freaked out about not doing so good on it because I didn't do very well on my mid term. When learning about law you get to learn the language of law which makes it more difficult for me. Oh well. Went to the Asbalt to see my favorite band Married To Music play. Unfortunately I missed them mainly because Adam (bass) told me they would be on at 11:30. Hmmm. They are currently on tour in Western Canada with the Hanson Brothers. Go see them, buy thier new cd! Here are the dates:
** All With The Hanson Brothers
04.14.06 Vancouver Asbalt
04.15.06 Nelson Fluid
04.18.06 Calgary Hi Fi
04.19.06 Regina The Distrikt
04.20.06 Saskatoon Amigos
04.21.06 Edmonton Side Track
04.22.06 Coaldale Coaldale Motor Inn
04.23.06 Red Deer The Arlington
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Hard work prevails

I love the Oilers and thier work ethic. They showed alot of determination heading down the stretch and grabbing the last playoff spot away from the 'nucks who were to busy feeling sorry for themselves. Tod Bertuzzi whining about how "it's the same shit every day". Wow, is he ever a warrior. And my girlfriends astute observation of Nazzy, he's probably wearing a t-shirt under his gear that says, I wish I was in Sweden. Better luck next year boys. I feel for all my 'nuck cheering friends. But I'm stoked, we get to watch the Oilers on TV this playoffs. Woooooooooooooooooooooooo. GOilers!