I first met Corb Lund when I was living in Edmonton. At that time music was everything to me. I was obsessed. It was all I thought about and it was the only thing I wanted to do. I basically quit high school to pursue a career as a musician. A decision that proved to be successful in some ways and in others not so much. At times I feel as though I over did it. One of the great things about that time of life was meeting some great people along the way. Some of those people played in an Alberta band called The Smalls. Just like my old band The Smalls are no longer around but the man who played bass for The Smalls never stopped playing music and has since become quite a sensation in the world of country music. That man is Corb Lund and he got to sing our national anthem at Rexall Place before our favorite hockey team lost to the Nashville Predators. Proof positive of what a sensation he is. Good on you Corb and I'm sure it wasn't your fault that the Oil lost.
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