This is a really cool album. Thanx to websites like spinner.ca people can listen to complete, new albums from a variety of artists. It still makes me wonder how artists can make any money these days but I'm not going to go any further on that. I'm not a metal head but have listened to lots of heavy music in my lifetime be it punk or metal. By chance, came across spinner.ca to check out the new Julian Casablancas solo album and saw I could check out the new Slayer as well. So I dropped in.
As one versed in Slayer history and being familiar with most of their music without owning maybe one or two albums I give the new cd, World Painted Blood, an enthusiastic thumbs up. The guitarz sound great not washy sounding but tight and riffy. There's all sorts of cool guitar stuff going on and Toms' vocals are more varied than I have heard previously. All in Slayeresque style. Very cool stuff. Maybe not for the hardcore metal fan, but maybe indeed. I'll have to ask my dark brooding coworker to see what he thinks.

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