Here in Smithers last night I joined tens of thousands of citizens around the globe by participating in a candle vigil in hope encouraging all levels of Canadian government to provide much-needed leadership and help show world leaders meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark to recognize the climate imperative and work together toward a collective solution that is ambitious, fair and binding.
Our MLA Doug Donaldson was there, the Wet'suwet'en were represented by Mel Bazil. He spoke briefly and preformed a traditional welcoming song. Our MP Nathan Cullen called in from Ottwa and there was video presentation and an "audio postcard" from others around the world who are also holding events in the same spirit. The "audio postcard" was very powerful and made me feel that it wasn't a pointless exercise.
Everyone attending lit candles tried to sing a version of Bobs, the Times They Are A Changin' and formed the number 350.
Find out why we formed 350 from this website 350.org
You have to do something.
Do you care?
(images posted are not from Smithers but were from last night)

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