It's one day less than a month to Christmas day and I already have my travel plans in order but I still can't wait to see what will happen. Ever since I moved to Smithers I've had difficult holiday season journey's back to Edmonton, where I grew up and most of family still reside. Technically my Parents and one brother live in Devon, which is a satellite of the Alberta capital.
Two years ago excited about the prospect of riding the train, which I still do love, I booked a very affordable ticket on VIA Rail that would stop over in Prince George then take me to Jasper where I would hop on a bus for the four to five hour journey to Edmonton. Seemed like a good idea but when I ended up spending more time traveling than I did with my family, combined with Greyhound somehow losing my luggage, It wasn't a great holiday.
So last year I decided that I would just fly whatever the cost. Just book the ultimate trip which would include a three day stop over in Vancouver. To fly to Edmonton from Smithers you have to connect through Vancouver.
Anyway, Mother Nature had exciting plans for last years holiday season which included more snow than Vancouver could possibly handle. The extreme weather left me stranded in Vancouver and missing out on spending Christmas with my family. I do know people in Vancouver so it was still nice but another holiday season not being what it should.
This year because of budgeting we're taking the bus to Edmonton then flying home with stop over for New Years in Vancouver.
Wish me luck.
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