I was offered the oppertunity to go see the band Metric last night and jumped at the chance. I invited a freind of mine who I hadn't seen in years to come with me. He was excited about going but called methe afternoon of the show and told me he was old and just couldn't go. Poor guy. I went any way, another friend of mine was going so I assumed that I'd see her and her boyfreind and I wouldn't be solo.
I don't own any of Metric's albums but I'm familiar with their music they make because they're popular. They're popular because they're a great band. Metric takes alot of elements of new wave and post punk and make music that's contemporary not retro or cliche. They played alot of new songs. I only knew that because lead singer Emily Haines said so. I had to wake up early for work so I left at midnight, but hey, I'm not old. I'm sure I'll never ever be able to see them again in such an intimate venue. Very cool band and I'm glad I went.

There are other things I wanted to talk about. Anybody who listens to sports radio has heard people discussing the suspensions from the Phoenix Suns/ San Antonio Spurs series, game 4. The NBA has no choice but to adhere to the rules they have created about players leaving the bench. People have said that they want commisioner David Stern to make the rule disscretionary. This should never happen. The rule is there for a reason and it should stay. Hey I'm cheering for the Suns too, like most of Canada, most of the players know the rules. The suspended players have no one to blame but themselves. This situation has created mega-hype for the series and even people who don't really watch hoops (me) want to see game 6 to see if the Suns tie it up. Go Suns.
The other thing I saw that I thought was funny was on MTV Canada. K-OS dropped by the studio because Amy Winehouse was going to be on. I like K-OS, but it was a little embarassing watching K-OS jump in on questions asked to Amy. An audience member asked, if she could match create a duet between 2 artists living or dead who would they be? As Amy Winehouse was thinking, K-OS jumped in and said,"me and you" and she just stared/ignored him. Very funny.
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