It's football night in Smithers. My team in the Bulkley Valley Adult Soccer League, The Greasy Gunners, will be playing Vandergaag. Before last summer I hadn't had the opportunity to play the beautiful game the way it was meant to be played, with 11 players on a regulation sized pitch since I was a teen living in Edmonton. It's all been great and it's also been a good test of my physical condition. I've met new people and I get some exercise. Last time I did play "real" soccer I was always a forward. I've relegated myself to the back now and it's worked out well. There are five regular season games left. We did get to the final last year starting the game with only 8 players. We lost by one goal. We have a good chance to win it all this year. In related football news, after years of Adidas allegiance I switched to Nike this season. Green is good.
Monday, July 06, 2009
It's football night in Smithers. My team in the Bulkley Valley Adult Soccer League, The Greasy Gunners, will be playing Vandergaag. Before last summer I hadn't had the opportunity to play the beautiful game the way it was meant to be played, with 11 players on a regulation sized pitch since I was a teen living in Edmonton. It's all been great and it's also been a good test of my physical condition. I've met new people and I get some exercise. Last time I did play "real" soccer I was always a forward. I've relegated myself to the back now and it's worked out well. There are five regular season games left. We did get to the final last year starting the game with only 8 players. We lost by one goal. We have a good chance to win it all this year. In related football news, after years of Adidas allegiance I switched to Nike this season. Green is good.
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