I have to post something, it's been way to long. If only to prove I'm alive and that I'm actually still doing things.
The holiday season has come and gone. It was great to see my friends and family. My trip to Edmonton to see my family at Xmas was a bit short. I took a train/ bus combo to get back to the crude city. It made it cheaper but it ended up being 4 days of traveling and 3 days of Christmas. In hindsight I should have taken more time off.

I loved the train but the bus... not so much. Greyhound somehow lost my suitcase on the trip back to Jasper. It really put a damper on the first few weeks of January, but I did get it back. 18 days later. It ended up in Coquitlam, hmm.
New Years was spent in Vancouver. I reunited with Jen and had a great New Years eve at a friend of Blairs. There was delicious home brew, great food, dancing, cute kids, fireworks & expensive scotch. It was a great way to start the New Year.
I have no resolutions but I would like some clarity on my life and where it's going. I'm still wrestleing with things I feel I didn't finish or accomplish, so I need to some how resolve and move on. It's difficult to carrying the baggage of the past.
I spent a major portion of my life devoted to making music with someone I don't respect and am embarassed to be associated with. It feels like I wasted alot of time and energy to work with a person who didn't respect me either. Which isn't surprising as he doesn't respect anything or any one. I thought I had moved on but I was kept awake yesterday thinking about it all.
Time will serve me well. I hope this year I will be reinspired to play some music but I wouldn't be surprised if I don't.
I am pretty much "Smithered" by now and need to make some future plans to focus on.
I hope everyone who reads this has a great year.

Hey Marc,
Vis a vis your comment about wasting your time and energy. Obviously you feel as you feel, but perhaps also consider the happiness you brought and indeed continue to bring to others. A band is greater than the sum of its parts, and while you may not respect the person you worked with, you made some damn fine and dare I say, important, music.
I still listen to all the albums constantly and each time I listen to them, I'm either transported to better times elsewhere or they simply get my blood pumping when work gets to be a drag. I'm chemical-free and your music (amomgst others) is what I use to alter my mood, for the better.
I hope you do make more music, be it SNFU-y, Wheat Chiefs-y or otherwise. I've seen you play in Kelowna, Vancouver, Toronto, and Los Angeles, each time always never less than entertaining and often transcendent.
I'm moving back to Vancouver after living away from there since 1991, and I'm looking forward to the live music again. I'm 40 and my love of music has not dimished, I hope to pass it on to my kids! Hopefully you'll play there sometime in some incarnation. Never seen the Wheat Chiefs live, that'd be cool :)
I hope you have a good year too!
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