Yesterday, downtown the Olympic commitee unveiled the clock that will count down time, from now until the 2007 Winter Olympics. This is the sort of thing Olyimpic orginizers do to hype up the games. I sort of enjoy watching the Olyimpics. Every four years I end up watching things I never see like, Speed Skating and Bob Sleding. Their great events to watch, every four years or so. Well along with the unveiling of the clock came protesters who don't like the idea of Vancouver hosting the Olyimpics. They generally think all the billions of dollars used to host this global event, would be better spent on health care, low income housing and things like that. You know, things that really benefit citizens of Vancouver. I find it hard to disagree with the the people who went down to the gallery steps and threw eggs and paint bombs, bum rushed the mic and generally tried to wreck the party. I'm glad that we live in a country where people can express their opinions publicly even if the our government wish they wouldn't. Although a large portion of of the Vancouver population might not agree with the way these people protested, that same large portion doesn't want or at least, don't care if we have the Olympics here. I was at school so I'm glad some body was down at the Art Gallery letting people know that alot of people don't want the Olympics here.
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