Tuesday, January 04, 2011

It would be fun to say that the latest movie from the incredible Coen brothers is pure shit, based solely on the fact that I'm still sort of a punk rocker and a closet rapper. But it's really not.
With so many current movies I would like to see (not all of them playing in Thunder Bay)it was really a coin toss between the three that are here. The Fighter, Tron Legacy & True Grit.
I can't recall if I saw the original made in 1969. I may well have.
Lot's of talent in this remake. Jeff Bridges, Matt Damon, Josh Brolin all produced rewritten and directed by the Coens. It's good.
I do wonder though who really wanted to remake this western? The studio or the brothers.
Hailee Steinfeld is unforgettable in a lead role. She was thirteen when they filmed this. Her precociousness is at times annoying but her role is very memorable and I assume she will continue to star in movies for years to come.
I was slightly taken a back when some of the audience laughed, in one scene where three criminals are to be hanged. Each are allowed to say their last words to the town who had gathered. When it's time for the third to speak, a native. He is hooded before he has a chance to talk. Hmmm. Maybe I missed something.
True Grit is a good go.
I just wish it were more Coenesque.


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