Ever since I was able to drive I had access to an automobile. I even owned a few in my time. The last vehicle I had major access to was a 1990 Dodge Maxivan that was dubbed Earl Grey. I loved that thing. The size of it made it great for carrying people and stuff for miles and miles all over North America and that's exactly what it did. Dodge made, or still makes, a very trust worthy van and if I was ever going to buy a van again (shudder) Dodge would be the first manufacturer I would consider. Super reliable.
I ran across the art of Kevin Cyr online and it made me think of Earl Grey and all the memories it held. You can check out all off Kevins' art including a couple tent trailer hybrids(!) on his website http://www.kevincyr.net/index.php?/about-this-site/ Earl Grey never had the great graphics that the Dodge above has.

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